
Nutrition and food

At Nara, we recognise the many benefits of promoting a healthy lifestyle in early childhood, including the positive impact this has on each child’s learning and development. Encouraging healthy eating patterns and the importance of physical activity from an early age helps to instil good habits that will remain throughout life.

The centre provides a nutritious and tasty morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea prepared in our own kitchen. Meals cater to the individual dietary needs of each child. (Children in the kindergarten program bring their own morning tea and lunch). We also prepare special food to celebrate holidays and other special occasions, such as Australia Day, Chinese New Year, Mothers Day and other events.

We generally use “progressive” or flexible meal times, which allow children to choose to eat when they are hungry, rather than according to a timetable. Children can gather in small groups to enjoy meals together, without interrupting the play of others. Educators actively participate in meal times, and encourage children to help themselves to food and water throughout the day, based on their needs.

The weekly menu is displayed in the hallway near the kitchen at Nara.

Nara is recognised as a Get up and Grow Nutrition Centre.